G2 Games

A picture of some fields at sunset with trees and a dirt road.

About Me

Hey, I'm G2. I spend most of my time avoiding social media, improving my website, and writing code in Rust. This website is selfhosted on a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB running Ubuntu Server. The CSS can be found here.

If you would like to get in touch with me, Email is the best way to do so.

Some more of my links:


My Pages


My personal blog. I post about whatever is interesting me at the moment, usually something tech or photography related, but not always.

My Portfolio

This portfolio is a list of things I have done and things I am currently doing.

Random Stuff

I tend to make a lot of random things on the internet. You can check out many of those things on this page. Most aren't very interesting, but they might entertain you for a while at least!

My Favorites

A small list of things I enjoy. Y'know, favorites!

Text/Code Editor:


Programming Languages:


Notetaking App:


Desktop Environment: