Hi, I'm G2_

I am a full-stack software developer with system administration experience on Linux and Windows. Co-creator and maintainer of Dango Music Player and Dangoware. Experience with embedded systems programming. Experienced in Rust, Bash, and Python. Proficient in JavaScript/TypeScript. Some experience with C/C++. Additionally, I have skills with creating webpages utilizing HTML and CSS, and utilizing EJS and PugJS.


Cross USB

A USB library which works seamlessly across most native and WASM targets.

Feb. 2024


minidisc-rs is a library similar to linux-minidisc which allows for interfacing with NetMD and Hi-MD devices.

Sept. 2023 ⟶ Ongoing


welcome.sh is a beautiful welcome script for Bash and Zsh that is easy to install and adds a little personality to your shell!

Sept. 2022 ⟶ Ongoing


My personal website, and a way for me to host services and other useful things. It kickstarted my web design learning process.

Mar. 2020 ⟶ Ongoing

My Blog

My personal blog, built using the Hexo blog framework.

May 2022 ⟶ Ongoing

HWML Webpage

The webpage for the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology.

Sept. 2022 ⟶ Ongoing

🍡 Dangoware

A group making interesting and useful software.

Oct. 2023 ⟶ Ongoing

+ Future

I'm always working on something, so a new project will probably pop up here in the near future.

In the meantime, check out the list of my other repositories on GitHub.


Contributions to open source projects which are not my own.

Tauon Music Box

Fixed acquisition of URLs for display in Discord with rich presence

WASM Bindgen

Enabled the UsbDevice.forget() method


Fixed some typos in the documentation


Fixed an error in an explanation


Moved Docker container over to using a native Linux binary

Contact me: